These are a few of the kids who come with their parents to a monthly English worship gathering we host here at the Kanto Gakuin mission house. We have always called this gathering "Worship South" for the strange reason that, when we started it back in 2005, there was a similar group meeting in central Yokohama--we were the southern group, thus the name. Unfortunately, though, the group in central Yokohama stopped meeting this year. Maybe we ought to change the name of our group, huh?
Every month we have a potluck meal at 5:30, then begin an informal, emergent style worship time at 6:30. One of our teens looks after the kids. 30-35 people usually attend, and we're from all different sorts of church backgrounds (some from no church background at all), so the discussions are always lively and invigorating. We've often used video to start discussions, a big hit being the "NOOMA" series by Rob Bell.
Last month, we had a "Thanksgiving" theme, so the kids made a "Thank You Chain"--each link is a prayer to God and has a "thank you for..." written on it by one of the kids. Of course, as for us parents, these kids themselves are some of the "things" we're most thankful for!