Though Kanto Gakuin's overseas development and volunteer work began with an association with the Karen minority group in Thailand, for the last four years, we have also worked among the Akhas living close to Chiang Rai. In this trip, members of the Sigma Society and Olive Branch--two college volunteer organizations, helped build a multi-purpose building in Doi Chang, along with our partner organization, The Akha Churches in Thailand. The building will be used as a community center and as a disaster shelter, as well as a place for a church to meet. We went to Chiang Mai to learn about work being done for AIDS orphans and in the area of AIDS prevention, as well. It was a good trip, exposing us to the reality of life for people without full citizenship rights in Thailand. A real chance to reflect on our call to be the "salt of the earth."
Mr. Kanda, a graduate student and member of Soshin Baptist Church is the leader of these two student groups. From this year, I've become their faculty advisor.
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