Sunday, May 4, 2008


The Fellowship student group at Kanto Gakuin University has gotten off to a good start this year. Having begun the year with just a little over 10 students coming regularly, we now have nearly 20 coming to each meeting.
We decided to begin the year with a party to welcome new students--a bowling party. Wow, I had forgotten how bad I was at bowling. Bowled a 141 in my first game, but a whoppin' 69 in the second. How's that for consistency!?!
A big blessing is that many of the incoming students are women. For almost 4 years now, the Fellowship has been composed of 90% men! So it was good to balance things out a bit with this incoming group of students.
Each meeting, students lead a discussion based on a topic they've chosen. In each session, we've done a short devotion using Henri Nouwen's book "Bread for the Journey," in Japanese translation. We've got a few musicians who've entered the group this year, so maybe we can convince some of them to do the music for our opening praise time as the year goes on...
We're looking forward to a fun and fruitful year!

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