Monday, July 7, 2008

"The Amenables" hit Japan!

Lawrence, Woun, Sun, and Jeremy--a praise band called, "The Amenables." They took Japan by storm! Well, anyway, they were very well received at Soshin Jr. High and High School and at Kanto Gakuin University, where they led worship and got to share their gifts with students one-on-one.

Here at KGU, they did two chapel services--on two different campuses--and rocked the house with an tripped out version of "As the Deer" as well as a number of original compositions. "Wow--those guys can play!" said one student. Another wrote, "超~良かった!{heart}" ("Totally fabulous!")--Maybe she had a little crush???

Anyway, after a long day, I figured the guys needed a break, so we went to Miura no Yu, a cool public bath right underneath a suspended train track close by. YES, that sounds like a strange place for a spa, and it is. But anyway, once you get inside Miura no Yu, there are plenty of ways to relax. Everybody especially liked going into the hot sauna until they were beet red, then plopping into the freezing cold "mizu-ba" (cold water bath). Yikes!

The Amenables joined us in a Fellowship group meeting and got to spend time jammin' out with a group of 12 Korean Campus Crusade for Christ summer volunteers, too. Everybody in Asia seems to know the song "Kimi Wa Ai Sareru Tame Umareta!" So we had a "Kimi Wa" songfest in Japanese and Korean...
Thanks for all your energy and tireless ministry here in Yokohama, guys! We love ya! Come back soon!

The Amenables are related to Japanese First Baptist Church of Seattle, WA, though a few are members of other churches, as well. For a complete report of The Amenables' trip, or to find out more about them, check out their website at:

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